Easy Indian SuperMeals - Release Day!!!
LAUNCH DAY IS HERE! IT'S FINALLY HERE!! You can FINALLY get your hands on a copy of my book Easy Indian SuperMeals for Babies, Toddlers and the Family! Whoop whoop! Buy the hardcover from Amazon, Waterstones and from all other good bookshops now.
The ebook version for tablets and mobiles is also available too if you prefer something a little more portable. Handy if you're out shopping and want to buy some of the ingredients. It's also available from all Amazon sites worldwide.
I hope you and your little munchkins enjoy the meals that come from this book. These are the recipes I fed Aaliyah from 7 months when she was just one month into weaning. I like to think of this book as her food journey or rather her weaning journey as she progressed from one weaning stage and onto the next. She has personally given her little stamp of approval on all of the recipes. She's also a great eater because them; not fussy at all and sometime eats TWO dinners at nursery! Much to the nursery staff's amazement.
And if your kids are slightly older (like Aaliyah - she's three now), there's a nifty chapter at the end called Quick Kids SuperMeals which has some excellent, tasty recipes - ready in 15mins or less. Again all Aaliyah approved and perfect now the kids are back to school.
Finally... I'm really excited to add you can catch me on Nihal's show on the BBC Asian Network today from 11am where I'll be having a chat with him live about the book. If you're free - tune in.